Tag Rugby Development Competition 2023

31st March 2023

On Monday 27th March 2023 the Merton SSP Tag Rugby Development Competition took place at the sports facilities of Old Ruts Rugby Club in Merton Park.

17 teams from 12 schools took part across 3 groups with each team playing the others across 2 mini tag rugby pitches for the day.

Matches were officiated by 12 sports leaders from year 9 at Rutlish School and schools showed great respect and gratitude for their support, volunteering to help the day run smoothly.

Congratulations to our 3 group winners – SS Peter and Paul, Bishop Gilpin and Holy Trinity and thank you to all the following schools for enabling your pupils to participate at the tournament:

St Matthews, All Saints, Liberty, Park Academy, Poplar, Sacred Heart, Morden, St Thomas and Cranmer.

Well done to St Thomas of Canterbury School for being voted our REFSEPCT winners and to those schools who took part in the nomination process. This is a highly regarded achievement at the partnership and all participants showed a determination to honour this through their conduct and attitudes on the day. Thank you.

The MSSP team


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