A dynamic partnership
Merton School Sport Partnership s located in the London Borough of Merton and was established in September 2003 through the government funded national PE School Sport & Club Links programme. The Partnership is hosted by Harris Academy Morden and is predominantly funded by its Merton primary (x43) and special school members to ensure that physical activity, school sport and PE is well coordinated, delivered in abundance and to a high standard to the students within the borough.
In the pupil census report of Autumn 2023, Merton state schools and academies had around 26,331 students on roll from EYFS to KS5. Of these 596 attended a special school and 5,273 had an EHCP or SEN Support.
15,090 mainstream students were studying at Reception, KS 1 and 2; 9,514 students were studying at KS 3 and 4; and 1,727 studying in Merton Schools / Academies in Year 12/13
Based in South West London, Merton has a geographical split in terms of social economic factors with the East of the borough encountering more inequality than the West.
More opportunity
The majority of the Partnership’s programmes and support are directed at Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with more bespoke programmes targeting Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. By working cohesively as a Partnership across the borough we can enhance physical activity, PE and sporting opportunities for our young people.
For further information please see our ‘Partnership Plan’ and ‘Report’ in the downloads below.