Curriculum PE Support
Curriculum PE Support
Merton Inspire & Educate PE provides schools with highly-experienced PE professionals to deliver PE lessons during PPA time.
Specialists you can trust
Consistency of staff is key so we will provide you with the same specialist each week to leave you feeling confident that progressive, structured learning is being achieved in PE.
Why use Merton Inspire & Educate PE?
Committed to Quality
Merton’s commitment to quality underpins every element of our partnership and we’re proud of our strong reputation and excellent track record in delivering the highest quality PE and sports activities.
All our coaches possess a minimum UKCC Level 2 coaching certificate in at least one sport. They will have completed or will be working towards a Level 3 certificate in Supporting the Delivery of Physical Education and School Sport. All have experience working within primary schools delivering PE.
High quality lessons
Over 87 units of work have been developed for coaches to use as a resource (we want our learners to experience a progressive and broad curriculum). An assessment framework has also been developed so pupils are tracked through each area of PE.
Quality Assurance
Each coach is observed at least once a term and provided with feedback that will support their continued professional development. Training days are also provided with the option to attend our teacher training workshops. We pride ourselves in our high-quality delivery so any new coaches will shadow and work alongside our experienced coaches until we feel they are ready to lead their own sessions.
All staff involved with Merton Inspire & Educate PE, whether in paid or a voluntary capacity, recognise that they have a duty of care towards children and young people as well as vulnerable adults. Each coach has an enhanced DBS check and will have a safeguarding/child protection and first aid qualification. All PE specialists will adopt the Merton Inspire & Educate PE Code of Conduct and also follow Harris Academy Morden’s safeguarding policy. PE specialists will possess their own public liability insurance and/or be covered by Harris Academy Morden.
Here are some of the benefits of using Merton Inspire & Educate PE for PE PPA cover:
- Over 87 units of work are available to our coaches to ensure structured, progressive lesson planning and assessment.
- PE sessions are delivered by experts guaranteed to engage and challenge all students and improve correct technique.
- A curriculum map has been designed which schools can follow and tailor to suit their needs.
- With unbiased links to every local reputable sports club, children with interest or talent will be directed to high-quality clubs to ensure they make the most out of their talent and enthusiasm. PE specialists can also assist schools in selecting teams for inter-school competitions.
- Intra-competition will be delivered each half-term to ensure all children take part in a Level 1 competition.
- Cover of absence by another Merton Inspire & Educate PE member of staff.
- Coaches are observed termly for their own CPD and this feedback is available to the school.
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For more information and costs, please contact or call 07927896062.