Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
1. Connect with other people
2. Be physically active
3. Learn new skills
4. Give to others
5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)
If you are looking for resources and materials to support the wellbeing of young people, you can try the following website
NHSP Support materials
Guidance for schools on developing Emotional Health and Wellbeing
The following organisations have useful resources:
AcSEED: Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Schools
Building Adolescent Resilience
Bullying information – Counselling Directory
Diverse Voices Performing Arts Company
Dove Self Esteem Project: resources for teachers
Government: Teaching about mental wellbeing
Islington Mental Health and Resilience in Schools (iMHARS)
Mental Health: Thinking Cards for Well-being
Mental Health Awareness and Safeguarding Training
MindEd: e-learning to support young healthy minds
METRO: Homophobic Biphobic and Transphobic Anti-Bullying Programme for schools
NHS Go: Health information and advice for young people in London
PATHS Programme for Schools (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)
Place2think- School Mental Health supervision
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) community
Suicide safer schools (papyrus)
Winstons Wish: Online bereavement training for schools
We All Have Mental Health: Animation & Teacher Toolkit
NICE Public Health Guidelines
Social and emotional wellbeing for children and young people overview
Social and emotional wellbeing: early years
Social and emotional wellbeing in primary education
Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education
Local Healthy Schools resources
Ealing: Managing Self-harm: a practical guide for schools
Islington: Healthy Minds – A Scheme of Work about Mental Health for Key Stage 3