Yr 5/6 Girls Football Development Competition

23rd October 2023

What a fantastic way to end the half term! – 20 teams made the trip to Tooting and Mitcham FC on Friday 20th October for the Year 5/6 Girl’s Football Development Competition. Many of the girls attending had never played in a Football competition before, so it was great to see such a high standard of football played across the day.

The teams were split into 4 groups to play 5 fixtures before lunch. Then each team had 2 more games after lunch against teams from different groups. Below are the placing from the group stages:

Group A – Merton Park, Dundonald, Hillcross, Joseph Hood, St. Mary’s

Group B – Lonesome, Bond, St. Teresa’s, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Links A

Group C – Hollymount, St. Matthew’s, Poplar A, Bishop Gilpin B, Bishop Gilpin A

Group D – Bishop Gilpin C, Holy Trinity, Liberty, Poplar B, Links B

There was great fair play and respect shown from all schools throughout the day. Well done to Links who won our REFSPECT award.

Thank you to Tooting and Mitcham FC for hosting us. And to Raynes Park High School who provided 5 leaders to referee the games.

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